BDSI R Training I

Scientific Reproducibility in the Biological Sciences

Welcome 👋

This is a training workshop for R beginners offered by the Australian National University (ANU) Biological Data Science Institute (BDSI).

You will develop the skills to work with your research data using R through the RStudio Desktop. These workshops cover setting up R projects, importing data into R, principles of tidy data, basic data visualisation using ggplot2, data wrangling using tidyverse and setting up a reproducible statistical workflow in R.


Watch the following videos by Dr Robert Cope.

Videos (click here)

Please ensure that you download and install

  • the latest version of R,
  • the latest version of RStudio Desktop,
  • the latest version of Quarto,
  • Slack (alternatively you can use the web version), and
  • the following packages by opening RStudio Desktop, then copy and paste the command below in the Console section, pushing Enter after pasting.
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "rmarkdown", "janitor", 
                   "readxl", "gtsummary", "lme4", 
                   "emmeans", "lmerTest", "ggResidpanel",
                   "reprex", "palmerpenguins", "quarto",
                   "report", "correlation", "see",
                   "parameters", "ggbeeswarm", "hexbin"))

If you are having issues, see also here or talk to the teaching team.

Slack workspace
  • You must use your ANU email to sign up.
  • Use your full name.
  • By joining, you agree to abide by this code of conduct.

Teaching team

Dr. Emi Tanaka

Dr. Jon Roco

Dr. Terry Neeman

This website is brought to you by the ANU Biological Data Science Institute.