BDSI Bioinformatics and Statistics Drop-In Sessions
Attended by Bioinformaticians and Statisticians within the Biological Data Science Institute and ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy Unit (JCSMR) - the Bioinformatics and Statistics Drop-in sessions are a free (weekly) resource open to all Life Science Researchers and Students in the Canberra region.
Please join us at the Bioinformatics and Statistics drop-in session, if you require assistance with computational biology or statistical issues, such as:
- planning a new biological experiment
- assistance with computational or statistical analysis
- programming advice (such as R or Python)
- accessing serious computational hardware
10.00am - 11.00am every Tuesday
Alternating locations with an option via Zoom
- DNA Rm S104 (RSB) - Building #46
- Rm 2.037 (JCSMR) - Building #131
- Zoom link here:
- Meeting ID: 819 3607 1365
- Password: 176933